
62 Movie Reviews

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Was cute

Although I think the whole Charlie the Unicorn formula is getting old it was still entertaining to watch.

By watching the episode and reading the reviews I see a lot of people were reminded of the Poke rap when watching this.

Keep up the good work and expand your comical talents into another series.


Sternman lives

After a long hiatus Sternman returns with a big bang. Long live the greatest man that ever walked the Internet.

Edit: Co-authored SMC so he'd shut up because he's

Edit: Co-authored SMC so he'd shut up because he's gay.

That-Is-Bull responds:


Wait till Val sees this.

If she already has, she's officially in love with you. You win sir.

SardonicSamurai responds:

well I luv joo too

Brought back good memories...

Sternman always makes my heart glow and make me want to go out and do something with my life.

Keep up the sternman flashes.



I saw you posted a link to this in my thread about this Audio so I had to check it out. Simple yet awesome. Nice job. I 5ed it so hopefully it shall pass.


Watch this pass too...

It'll pass because the SS has figured out that NG users have the attention span of about 3.5 seconds. Which is just enough time for a fancy preloader and then a collab with all the same Authors having the same "flash" with a picture of a fat guy, song playing and "The Star Syndicate is gay" in the top corner.

Gotta give them kudos for that. Thought they were dead.


I like how you were honest about not finishing the flash haha. The inro was insane though. The music perfectly In Sync with the words and with what was going on in the screen.

Good job, hope you do finish it though some day. Nice credits song.


Not my thing.

Didn't really enjoy it. I can see where some people would enjoy this and laugh, but It's not my thing and I didn't smirk once. On top of that you didn't really give credit to any of the copyrighted sound clips and music and sprites that practically made up your whole flash/series.

I don't think this should be as high as it should, and I'm not entirely sure this got here by itself without some help of friends. But I'm not here to accuse people or put people down. I am happy that you guys got this but it's in my opinion not a really half-descent flash.

Maybe if it would have been more original and you had done some sounds and or plots yourself. But basically consisted of people moving their mouths up and down in the same couple scenes while a sound clip from a movie/show played. Not really the best flash out there. And now it's number one. It'll go down though.

But as I was reading some of the reviews some people really enjoy that, that's fine. And I myself don't have any really good flash. Yours are better then mine. Even though I aim for TOTW and what not. I am glad however that you guys aimed for the best, and got it. That is good. Unlike myself who aims for the lowest and misses.

Good luck on your future flashes. In the future though I hope you guys integrate a little more of yourselves and your talent into your flash so we can see what you guys are really made of.

Enjoy your Newgrounds experience.


AshfordPride responds:

Now hold on SMC, that's not fair. I give proper credit to all my sources that I can identify. If you'd expand the description you'd see that I listed where the sprites were from as well as where the sounds were from to the best of my ability.

I really hope that the next installment will take the series into a new direction... An end hopefully, but a good, AND WELL ANIMATED, end.


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